He is a beautiful year old boy who had a horrible run in with a car
With a shattered leg there was no option but to amputate his leg and his owners signed him over to the vets as they didn’t want to take him through the surgery 

Casper is an absolutely stoic total sweetheart who is making a wonderful recovery now and coping really well.
Casper is now ready for a new home, and he needs ongoing building up as he was very underweight when he came to us, and to gradually rebuild his strength up and accommodate his amputation which is doing really well at.
Casper is currently in foster in Wilstead, Beds and his fosterer describes him as
‘Timid to begin with but then sweet, affectionate, playful (although a bit lazy atm) with the most pathetic meow too

Casper is ready for his new home and he needs somewhere to continue to recuperate and to regain hia strength. He will want to go outside again, but he needs somewhere where he can safely explore without crossing roads (clearly this is not high in his skill set 

He will benefit from being the only pet ideally with older children and a safe, obstacle free environment to continue to make progress in.
If you are interested in him please fill out the form here and please note that we are unable to return all enquiries but if you receive the bounce back email then you have successfully submitted your enquiry.