Check out this beautiful girl Namaste who is looking for her new special people to call her own. She is a young lady of about 4 years old, who has come from a house with many other cats but few visitors, so is still learning that new people and things are a good thing, and nothing to worry about.
Here’s what her fosterer says about her…..
love this cat, absolute bags of personality. Definitely not a lap cat but seriously affectionate.. Does dancing and sausage rolls and rolls all around the floor for attention and fuss. Loves a proper head scratch and a good headbutt. Soo playful and funny too, all character. No menace in her and she wouldn’t go for you but does hiss when you first enter a room
so can’t be someone that is scared of a cat that has personality and just wants a boring cat.

Definitely will be nervous to begin with, but if people give her time she’s a total legend and non stop entertainment

So…. checklist is:
• needs confident but calm owners who will allow her to learn that they are trustworthy.
• no small children, but older ones who respect boundaries are fine.
•fine with dogs, prefers cat free as can be sassy.
•needs family with great sense of humour who will encourage her to have fun.
•been indoor only so can go indoor only, or given time to settle may be able to go outdoors to access safe areas without high traffic.
Namaste is currently in foster in Wilstead, Beds and is absolutely ready for her new people. If you are interested in her and match her requirements , please fill out this form and please note that we are unable to return all enquiries