Meet Lotus a gorgeous boy of around 10 years old. Description is from his fosterer who says…

The ultimate companion pet 

So gentle and kind, could go with children, but would be great for someone lonely cos so much love to give. Really affectionate and playful too, also adores catnip!
Lotus doesn’t have many teeth left after a recent full dental but this doesn’t hold him back. He’s full of love and cuddles, chatting and fun, and is an all round gorgeous character. He has lived with other cats before but would definitely like to have a family all to himself now, and will smother his family with love to repay them for loving him 

Lotus is ready now for his new home, and is currently in foster in Wilstead, Beds. If you are interested in him please fill out this form and please note that we are unable to return all enquiries. We will be extremely careful rehoming around this time of year, so please do complete the form with plenty of detail