Meet gorgeous little girl Eleanor Rigby who has had the toughest time ever. By just 6 weeks old she had already had an operation to remove her right eye which was unsalvageable after untreated cat flu 

Little Eleanor was very poorly with a big infection in the eye socket which has taken a while to resolve. As a result of this and her cat flu, we will be rehoming her as indoor only, or even better, someone with a catio she can call her own.
Eleanor is litter trained, a typical, full of beans, playful, snuggly and adorable little bundle of fun and cuddles
with the biggest purr and the happiest nature. She’s not the most agile yet, but she is improving all the time as she learns about depth perception and movement. She has the most gorgeous black coat with tabby markings through it 

Eleanor Rigby still has outstanding vet work to do, but we would like to find her new home who can foster her initially and adopt her once we have got this done. As a result we are looking for people who are close to Biggleswade, Beds for her to be able to come back to our vets.
Eleanor is ready to find her people and bond to them, she loves children, but as she has no safety awareness on one side and is still quite small, we wouldn’t go for tiny children in the home in case she tripped them or vice versa.
Eleanor loves dogs and will happily walk along them and cuddle up while they are sleeping 

If you are interested in her please fill out this form and please note that we are unable to return all enquiries